How do I get started on PMAM CRM?
You can get started on PMAM CRM by clicking on the "Register" button on the top right hand corner of this website.
Once you have entered all the registration details, you will receive an email with your username and password. Log in to the PMAM CRM application (upper-right side of this website) to get started.
You say it's free but how much will the PMAM CRM application actually cost me?
What are the hidden costs?No, really! The PMAM CRM application is completely free. There are no hidden costs. We don't limit the number of users and there are no maintenance fees. We even give you technical support for free.
So what are you waiting for? Get started with PMAM CRM today and optimize the utilization of your organization's resources and manpower.
What can PMAM CRM do for me?
Customer relationships can be complex. PMAM CRM provides the tools and the flexibility to support your sales and marketing processes, instead of forcing you to use ours. Manage and organize your leads, plan and execute campaigns to warm up leads, schedule regular follow-ups, track prospects through the sales process and seize opportunities. With PMAM CRM you can quickly and easily organize your leads, your accounts, your activities and your entire team.
PMAM CRM simplifies and automates tasks such as creating a proposal or raising a sales order, so that you can respond to clients promptly and accurately. Using detailed and intuitive reports, PMAM CRM lets you generate sales forecasts and analyze the quota versus actual sales for each sales team or individual sales person.
I have registered with PMAM CRM. Now what next?
After you have registered online for your free PMAM CRM application, you will receive the Username and Password in your mailbox. Go to and log on using your username and password.
Once you log into the system you can start entering your data.
I want to create a survey. How do I do that?
Surveys are an excellent data collection and analysis tool. A good survey can provide you with invaluable information to help you keep improving your offerings and expanding your client base.
The responses to online survey forms created using PMAM CRM can be imported directly into your CRM system.
- To begin, you need to click on the Administrator Tab.
- Select the Data Collection Master option to create your survey form.
- Click on the radio button Create a new survey.
- Enter the title of your survey form.
- Select the checkbox suitable for your survey form.
- Click on the Create Survey, Select theme button to design the look of your form. ~Here you will customize the survey form.
- Select your theme from the drop-down box.
- Select the font and size of the text displayed in the form. Select the font color.
- Upload your header and footer logos from your PC.
- Enter the header and footer for your survey form.
- Click on Select Theme Page.
- Click on Add question to add the first question on your survey form.
- Select the type of question from the list provided.
- Enter the question and the answer options.
- Click on Save Question and then on Close.
- Continue adding question till you are done.
- You have now completed creating the survey form.
How can I preview the survey I have created?
To view the survey form you have created, you need to carry out the following steps.
- Click on the Leads tab.
- Click on the My Active Leads option.
- Click on Data Collection Tools on the left hand side of the input screen.
- Select the survey you have created from the dropdown box of surveys.
- Select a lead.
- Then click on Open Survey.
You can now view the survey you have created.
So, how can I import the survey responses directly into CRM?
To import the survey response directly into the CRM application you will need to map the fields in your survey form to the fields in the CRM system. This mapping will enable you to import the online survey data directly into the CRM system.
- Click on Administrator tab.
- Select Data Collection Master.
- Click the Radio button "Edit an existing survey"
- Select the survey you have just created.
- Click on Map to CRM.
- Map each CRM field to the information you will gather from your survey.
- Once you have mapped all the fields from your survey form to corresponding CRM fields, enter Source (where the leads originate from) and Basket (the folder where you want to save your leads).
- Click on Save Mapping.
How can I integrate a survey I have created, into my website?
- Click on the Administrator tab.
- Click on Data Collection Master.
- Click the Radio button "Edit an existing survey"
- Select the survey you have just created.
- Copy the link provided in the box below.
- Paste the link in the proper location within your website.
- To test your survey, fill in the details and click on Submit.
- Once you have submitted the completed survey, you can return to the CRM application to check whether it has been imported.
- Click on Leads tab.
- Click on Show Basket of Leads.
- Check the relevant Basket.
- You will be able to see the survey information that you have just filled in, within the CRM system.
What are the different question types when I create a survey and
what do they mean?
There are several different question types when creating a feedback form.
They are:
Open Text Fields:
Text Fields : For small amounts of text like phone number, Name, Zip code, etc.
Essay : For larger texts like comments, full address, etc.
Multiple Text Fields: For multiple text entries e.g. a listing of your favorite TV shows in order of preference.
Table of Text Fields : For multiple text entries in different categories. E.g. your favorite TV shows divided into category and era.
Section Header: Section Headers are used when you want to give each section of your feedback form a heading. This "question" type does not require any answers.
Multiple Choice / Select Items:
Radio buttons: Are usually used when only one of several options can be chosen.
Checkboxes: Checkboxes are usually used when you can select more than one option.
Drop-down menu (single select): Drop-down listing of options out of which only one option can be selected.
Drop-down menu (multi-select): Drop-down listing of options out of which more than one option can be selected.
Table / Matrix
Table/Matrix of Radio buttons: When the options are given in a table format where each row is a question and each column represents the different options for that question. Only one option can be selected for each row. Selection is done by clicking on a radio button.
Table/Matrix of Checkboxes: When the options are given in a table format where each row is a question and each column represents the different options for that question. Only one option can be selected for each row. Selection is done by checking on a checkbox.
Table/Matrix of Dropdowns: When the options are given in a table format where each row is a question, each column represents the different answer options and each dropdown box contains a rating (e.g. 1 to 5).
Multiple Drop-down Menus: When each row is an answer option with several different choices, you would use multiple drop-down menus.
I already have my leads in another database. Is there any easy way for me to
transfer these into PMAM CRM?
In case you have your leads stored in a different database, you can choose to import them all at one go using the Import Wizard.
To import leads from another database:
- Click on the Data Import wizard tab.
- Select Data Import Wizard
- If your data is stored in one of the pre-defined databases, click on the corresponding radio button. (For .csv files, the file should contain comma de-limited data to be uploaded. First row in the file should contain the column-name, each column should be separated by comma. You can download a template for the .csv file for reference.)
- Select the source file (the file in which you have stored your leads information) from your computer and upload it.
- Select the type of delimiter from the dropdown box.
- Select the source where these leads have come from (e.g. trade fair, phone survey, response to advertisement)
- If these leads should automatically be assigned to you, click on the checkbox. ~Click on Next.
- You will then have to map all the items in your database to the various fields of the CRM system. If you expect to import similar Excel files into the CRM system then you can also save your mapping. (To map your fields to the CRM fields you have to assign fields from your database to fields from the CRM database. Eg. Name to Contact Name, etc.)
- Once you have finished mapping, click on Next and your leads will be imported to the PMAM CRM system.
If you have any trouble importing your Leads database into PMAM CRM, you can email it to us at
I have forgotten my PMAM CRM password. What do I do now?
If you've forgotten your PMAM CRM password, just click on the "Forgot Password" button on the Home Page of this website. Enter your username, which is your Email ID. Your password will be sent to that Email ID.
How do I create email templates within the PMAM CRM system?
You can create templates to email directly to your leads and prospects through the PMAM CRM application.
This will help you keep in constant contact with your leads and prospects and warm them up so that you can quickly convert them into clients.
To create email templates in the PMAM CRM application use the following steps:
- Click on the Templates tab.
- Click on the Create button.
- Write a simple description of the email (this description is so that you can find the email quickly from a list of emails.)
- Enter the Email subject.
- Enter the text of your email in the message box. You can use the formatting tools to customize the look and feel of the email.
- If your email is intended for multiple persons, click on the Custom Dropdown box to select the dynamic fields* which you will need to display in the email.
* For example: if you want every contact to receive the email addressed to them personally, you can write Dear and then click on the Custom Dropdown box and select "Contact Name".
- Once you have completed creating your email, click on Save Template.
- Alternatively, if you have created the content of your email in a Word document, you can simply copy and paste the text into the message box.
After creating the email templates, how do I email them to my leads using
Emails can be sent out to all or some contacts through the PMAM CRM application.
This can be done using the following steps:
- Click on the Leads tab.
- Then click on Show Basket (Folder) of Leads. Select the Basket of Leads you would like to address using the checkbox.
- Click on Show Leads. The first contact in that basket of leads will be displayed.
- Click on Campaigns from the left of the screen.
- Select the radio button "send single email".
- Select the Template of the email you wish to send. (If you do not know how to create an email template, please refer to Question 11).
- Type the text directly into the message box. (You can use the formatting tools to change the appearance of your email.)
- Either type in the email id of a particular person, or click on the "To" button. ~You will get a list of all the contacts saved in this basket. Choose to send your email to all the contacts in the basket, or click on the checkboxes of the contacts whom you want to address. Click on OK.
- Select the date on which you would like this email to be sent out.
- You can upload attachments to your email by browsing and selecting them and then clicking on Upload.
- Click on "Send email now" to send the email.
I have created an html template to email to my leads and prospects.
How can I upload this into PMAM CRM?
It is quite simple to upload an html document into the PMAM CRM templates.
- Click on the Templates tab.
- Click on the Create button.
- Write a simple description of the email (this description is so that you can find the email quickly from a list of emails.)
- Enter the Email subject.
- Then, click on the HTML button at the bottom of the template.
- Copy the html code of the template you have created and paste it into the template body.
- Then click on the Design button (next to the HTML button) and you will see your html template's design.
- You can make changes to this if you wish.
- Click on the Save Template button when you are done.
How can I launch an email campaign using PMAM CRM?
An email campaign can be launched through the PMAM CRM system. In an email campaign, a series of emails are sent out at pre-defined intervals.
- Click on Leads tab and then click on Show Basket (Folder) of Leads.
- Select the people you would like to send the campaign to by checking the corresponding Basket of Leads.
- Click on Show Leads. (The first contact in that basket of leads will be displayed.)
- Click on Campaigns from the left of the screen.
- Select the radio button "send / schedule multiple emails (campaign)"ÂÂ
- Enter a Campaign Name
- Select the Template of the email you wish to send. (If you do not know how to create an email template, please refer to Question 11 or type in the text directly into the message box. You can use formatting tools to change the appearance of your email.
- Type in the email id of a particular person or click on the "To"  button. You will get a list of all the contacts saved in this basket. Send your email to all the contacts in the basket, or click on the checkboxes of the contacts whom you want to address. Click on OK.
- Select the date on which you would like this email to be sent out.
- Select and upload any attachments to your email and by clicking on the Browse button and then after selecting the attachment, click on Upload.
- Enter the number of emails to be scheduled in the campaign and enter the templates of each email to be sent out. Attach any necessary documents.
- Enter the date that you would like each of the following emails to be sent out.
- Click on "Save and launch campaign".
- You can click on the Campaign Result tab on the same page to see the status of your campaign at any point of time.
How can I do a mail-merge for all my contacts?
You can create a mail-merge document and send it to a maximum of 1000 different customers at the same time.
- Click on Leads tab and then click on Show Basket (Folder) of Leads.
- Select the people you would like to mail by checking on the corresponding Basket of Leads.
- Click on Show Leads. The first contact in that basket of leads will be displayed.
- Click on Mail merge on the left of the screen
- If you are selecting a template, check the template checkbox. (Otherwise, enter your letter content directly into the mailbox.) Once you click on the Template radio button, you will get a list of templates. Select the desired template.
- Check the Add Signature radio button if you want to add your signature.
- Modify the letter if required to dynamically add the name and address fields of the different contacts by selecting the required fields from the Custom Dropdown box.
- Select which leads you want the letter to go out to.
- Select which process in the sales pipeline this letter is for.
- Add any notes
- Click on Submit.
- A new web-page will open with the letters duly addressed to the contacts from your selected list. These letters are also available in the form of a Word document which you can download and print.
How can I export all my leads into Excel.
You can backup leads information into an Excel spreadsheet. In case your data in the CRM system gets corrupted, you can re-import this information from the Excel file.
- Click on the Import / Export Wizard tab
- Select Data Export Wizard
- Select the delimiter for your spreadsheet, comma or tab. It is usually comma. ~Click on Next.
- Select the information you want to Export.
- Choose how often you require this backup to take place. You can either choose a day of the week or a particular date in the month or you can choose for a one-time backup.
- Click on Save to save your requirements.
Is there a way of opening the Scheduled call plan in a new window so we can work
in this and a lead we were previously in, presently if we are in a lead and open
the plan we lose the lead we were in and need to remember the position we were in.
Is it possible for anyone to release a lead into a newly created list ?
You can transfer a lead from one list to another list, by changing the list while you are on the lead.

If a lead is deleted where does it go ?
If a lead is Removed it goes to the Delete Leads (recycle Bin) The administrator can then choose to physically delete the leads. This is done from the Administrator >> Delete Leads menu.
If the Lead is Released it is unassigned from the user and assigned back to the source to be reassigned to others.

In the Individual Productivity Report how do you view what notes have been made
as it says the graph is clickable but I cannot see any further detail?
You can use the list activity report Instead on which the numbers are clickable and it also shows you a week wise break up.