Company Information


Administrator >> Company Information



The Company Information screen enables an administrator to add (1) Company information, (2) Additional company details, (3) Customer segments and, (4) CEO information.

Company Information:

This section permits the administrator to add company’s contact information that includes company Name, company Description, address, city, state/province, zip/postal code, country, logo, website, phone, and fax. This information is displayed in the proposals and sales orders sent to various leads or clients.

Click the Browse button to select the image to be uploaded and then click Submit to upload the image.


    • Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

    • Maximum 1500 characters can be used for the Company Description field.

    • Currently the system only supports .gif and .jpg files for uploading company’s logo.


Additional Information:

This section allows the administrator to mention company’s additional information that includes industry, annual revenue, number of employees, total numbers of employees inside the sales force team, and total numbers of employees outside the sales force team.

Note: All fields in this section are mandatory.


Customer Segments:

This section enables the administrator to add company’s segment information that includes existing and future planned products and services, sold products and services, and served customer segments and industry verticals.

Note: Maximum 1500 characters can be used for providing brief description for fields (Products and service that your organization purchases, Customer segments and industry verticals served by your organization)


CEO Information:

In this section, the administrator needs to mention the company’s CEO information that includes name, email, and phone.

Note: All fields in this section are mandatory.


Copyright 2000-2009 Web-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM)